[Book Review] This Alien Shore
This Alien Shore / C. S. Friedman So this made it onto the Virtual Speculation reading list based on curiosity and recommendations of this novel as a key piece of SF literature. I expected a Space Opera with some of the normal dissection/discussions of society that one often finds in rich speculative fiction. What I did not expect was to find a book that respectfully not only included non-neurotypical characters, but actively embraced neurodiversity. Overall an excellent piece of speculative fiction. Discussion Fodder: In this story, what is alien? What makes it alien? How do the different societies embrace or reject neurodiversity? What do you think of the handling of neurodiversity by the author? What is done right/wrong? How do the Hausman societies contrast with that of Earth, be it Earth of today or the Earth of the novel? What points does the story make about hacking and security? How do they hold up as the book has aged? H...