Romance Novels & Tall Tales
So, there are many troupes that pop up in romance novels that I'm not a big fan of ( though sometimes I find them amusing ), but one that is standing out to me more of late is in an aspect of the physical descriptions of the male lead. Often (but admittedly not always) we have a female lead who is of average height who doesn't see herself as a great beauty who finds some manly stud who finds her irresistibly sexy and after lots of lusting they eventually end up together. Mr. McStudly, more often than not, is tall. And not just tall as in "taller than the average woman," but tall enough that they tower over normal men. I recently read a historical fantasy romance where the male lead was "six and a half feet tall, maybe more." Now, all things being proportional, how tall you are doesn't make a face more beautiful or what not, but height often is equated with manliness. I've been a bit of a tomboy most of my life, and as I have always been on th...