Gaming Shenanigans
The above pretty much describes what little free time I have these days, be it active involvement, planning, or ideas bouncing around in my head. I've been running a Dungeons & Dragons game for a few months now, with a bit of an unintended break thanks to crazy schedules. Also, I'm still new enough at running games that I'm not at all confident in my ability to create a solid world and plot. But folks seem to be having fun, so I must be doing something right. Also on the table top/RPG front, I joined Chaosium's Cult of Chaos, which is a fancy way of saying I now run organized play Call of C'thulhu games. Also, it means I get to GM without having to write the scenarios. Yay. First up for that is their A Time for Harvest campaign, which I'll be running at Modern Myths. Game one takes place this Saturday from 3-7 (part of International TableTop Day activities), and then will continue through on the last Sunday of the month until we've finished a...